A collection of individual stories from characters throughout the history of Cairne that have played both large and small roles in it's story, each one expanding on events and times within the world and offering some insight as to the harsh and often bitter...
The vast lands of the Viridian Marches have been fought over by neighbouring powers for millenia, yet continue to remain unclaimed. In the 108th year of the Sixth Age, a new attempt to colonize these lands rich in resources and treasure has begun.
The Lurindor...
A band of unlikely heroes undertake a quest in the name of the god Firmaren. Led by a blessed tome, their journey takes them to the city of Ambstalt-- the City of Amber-- in northwestern Yomi. Joining the Order of the Golden Lance, they must root out and...
An unlikely band of heroes, chosen as Resonants by the Ennead, embarked on a journey that will decide the fate of the world. This is their tale, as recorded by Morgan, the spirit of the Living Library.
This is a transcription of the session history of...
Lost and homesick, the divine champion of Duty searches for the key to saving his homelands against an all consuming shadow. As he journeys across lands dangerous and foreign he tries to piece together missing memories from repeated resurrections and sharing...