Long live the Queen

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Ambassador Larx granted the group a long and analyzing scowl, his small mechanic arms malfunctioned for a short moment when his emerald eyes discovered the faintly glowing halo of Bianca. his pupils widened looking then over to her brother, who gave Larx nothing more than a silent growling. He clenched his real fists and with a final death stare towards those, who have hindered yet another attempt to reason with the Silver King, he turned on his heel letting his mantle dance in the thin air. It was then, that Bianca noticed a second mantle hidden underneath the clothes, a grey mantle with two silver stripes; one drawn through and the other segmented vanishing under the first.

Those demihumans seemingly have more issues with the chilly weather than we have. The poor man has to wear multiple layers of cloth to even stay remotely warm. Look how he is shaking, chilled to the bone. Anywho. That is the silver King. Such a majestic being! These toned muscles, that strong chin! Such a beautiful hood, reflecting the surroundings like a perfect mirror. It is true, Every scale of his is spotless and perfect. I ...

Bianca bit her tongue softly, trying to regain focus, keeping her head on the road and not getting lost while drooling over that majestic depiction of peak masculinity. A silent 'ow' later was she back, in reality, facing now the King directly face to face:

"You are the only female kobold around, s~so I ass~sume you were the one calling me two hours~s ago. Is~s that correct?"

Bianca gulped down her excited nervosity, trying to not inhale the odour of fine perfumes threatening to overstrain her untrained sense of smell. She was trying to not seek eye contact with her leader, but his captivating leaf-green slit eyes immediately assumed full obedience over her eyes:

"Y-yes, your s-shininess! That w-was me.", she cleared her throat an additional time, taking a deep breath: "We, that is my brother Denton and I, Bianca Peritl, have invented a method, we would like to demonstrate to you, the Ivory jack and the Bronze Queen in private. We have worked years on the formula and have finally perfected it."

While Bianca was occupied by the intimidating presence of the silver snake, had Denton still his eyes on that ambassador Larx. He raised his brow in surprise when the demihuman suddenly stopped in motion and froze for a moment. And that is the exact moment when Bianca spoke out the word 'perfected'. Bianca had awakened the ambassador's attention, and Denton was not too happy about it.

<Something is fishy about that man, don't you think, Khôra? I don't know what it is, but my back fluff doesn't want to lay down since I first saw him.>

Khôra let out a sigh but agreed with the albino on one fact:

<While I do not necessarily agree with your fur alarm, I, as well, felt weird around him. As if I got put on a trial especially. He didn't look at you, but for me.>

<Poppycocks, what are you mumbling there? He was one of those purists; they can't see nor even sense any magic presence.>

<No, It was not him.>, Khôra was now even more nervous, <I saw how his iris moved unnaturally. As if something was behind it.>

Denton was about to throw back a witty answer, but the dominating voice of his leader ordered all his senses to shift his attention to him:

"If the Spearheads are trusting you, young Bianca, then I will put my faith into you two as well. I learned to trust their expertise in my 25 years of being the silver incarnation. So please, relax, kobolds~s. My associates should arrive soon as well, and you should put on your best to flatter them."

So'teyo looked across the hall into an empty floor, where now a small portal opened, and three individuals stepped through it. A small crooked smirk distorted the flat face of the lamia recognizing the group immediately:

"I wish you a lovely morning, my bronze lady Bisfourth. Salutations Miriko Schetl. Evamal."


The small group of the Bronze Queen walked towards the gate. The high-grown frilled lizard was radiating enormous energy full of elegance. Nimble movements of unfiltered beauty, entrancing Denton immediately. He held his breath, trying to make out the gentle steps of the naked beauty advancing towards the group, trying to make out the high-pitched impact of her sickle claws hammering down on the polished marble floor. Tick, tick, tick, and pause. He looked up, half-expecting a similar presence to the Silver King, but all he got was a gentle expression and a friendly face comforting his very soul. Looking up into the bronze-plated face of Lady Bisfourth, he immediately felt safe and secure. The two other newcomers Mirik and Evamal, two kobolds wearing a black tux, looked with shining eyes over to the siblings, eager to speak but remained silent granting their queen the first words of the day. 

Lady Bisfourth opened her maw, tasting the air with a brief lick of her emerald-green tongue and took a deep breath, exhaling it slowly. While that happened Denton did notice something. The eyes of his queen briefly brightened up in a colour, that was unlike her own. A small jolt of white thunder was distorting her purple eyes for a brief period. She used her arcane ability, Denton could tell, but he didn't know what she could do. Looking down at the siblings, Queen opened her maw once more. A voice of soft and pure music escaped her throat, bewitching Denton's very essence.

"Good morning, my darlings. Bianca and Denton Peritl. I am glad I can get to know you today on this fateful day when you will present to us your masterwork. And yes, Bianca, you are allowed to think of such beautiful words when facing me. I won't bite."

Denton looked in surprise at his sister, who was trying to hide her face in her paws and cursed silently. 

"How did she even hear my toneless words of admiration? I ... can a carbunclo open the floor under me? I wanna vanish, now!"

Denton's gears started turning, and he tried to piece the shreds of evidence together, getting behind the little mind game of his queen. She shouldn't be able to - she couldn't have heard my sister. There was no way! How did she know of that? How was she able to hear and understand Bianca's words? He didn't even notice her gasping when the queen arrived through the portal. 

Denton admitted defeat; he got nothing. He looked at the other kobolds accompanying Lady Bisfourth searching for a hint. He asked them with his eyes for anything to help tie together the net of uncertainty.

Miriko, a pale-blue kobold wearing a monocle, connected to his face via a long chain and a stud earring behind his lower facial extremity, noticed his pleading eyes and gave the butler on the queen's right a small gesture allowing her to speak up.

The other kobold, Evamal, was excited to explain her queen to her kin. Her red eyes shined like rubies, but she tried to keep her emotions in check, folded her olive paws in front of her chest and stood still. Only her whip-like thin tail was wagging excitingly.

"Don't be afraid, my friends. Our bright shining lady has asked the air, the marble and the decorations. And they told her what exactly got said in her absence. Being an omnilingualist, she can communicate with anything. Even your silent praise got brought to the queen's ears by an admiring gust of wind."

The excited kobold looked up to her master and was immediately rewarded with a smile of pure compassion and love. Lady Bisfourth placed her hand on Evamal's head and ruffled her scales gently:

"Indeed. Thanks, Evamal, for enlightening our guests.", she gave the Silver King a respectful wink with a brief bow of her head, "Rough times with the ambassador, So'teyo? He will not stay calm until he lays his metal claws around the pale neck of Gâteau. There appears to be a deep-rooting hatred hidden within the demihuman's aura."

So'teyo gave his bronze company a tired expression making way for his frustration by letting his grimace lose all its royal nobleness for a brief period.

"I am aware of that, Theresta. But Larx is my issue, and neither yours nor Gâteau's. I will find a way to satisfy his thirst for vengeance. But that is not important now. What is important are our guests and their discovery. Speartip Thilarie?"

"Yes, your shininess?"

Can you and your associate wait here for the arrival of the Ivory Jack? We will prepare the meeting until that lazy drake arrives. He is already 10 minutes behind schedule."

Lanstein and Thilarie fell into a stiff salute acknowledging the order. But when they were just about to step away from the group, they noticed a tremendous shadow having appeared above them. A deep thundering voice started scolding somebody the group wasn't able to see yet.

"I don't have time for your lazy work, kobold. When I say get me the big portal, I mean it! And if your pathetic legs are that short, just ask me to use you, like the tool you are. An inferior lizard brush made to draw shortcuts. Nothing more, nothing less."

The giant, who was floating in the air on the ceiling far above them, looked down and groaned audibly upon spotting the siblings.

"More!? Did I really get summoned for kobolds? This is a joke, isn't it?" 

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