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“Tu sasa Spacer-wawa, ke?”   <You know Spacer talk?>

Spacers distinguish themselves as being descendants from the first generations that settled the main asteroid belt of the Sol System. Spacers are permanent void-dwellers, many living in habitats that simulate gravity by rotation. The majority of them have settled in the Ceres Colony, although there are other settlements in other moons.

Many Spacer crews and communities live a quasi-nomadic lifestyle, moving from one prospect to another, which has earned them the name “rock-hoppers”.

Spacers are diverse but share some distinctive characteristics such as long bodies which grow unrestricted in their low-G environment. “Longbone,” “stretched”, and other slang terms are used to refer to Spacers in a derogatory way, especially “Drifter”, echoing a widespread Earthling sentiment that Spacers aimlessly wander from place to place. Their faces are often marked by distinct tan lines from wearing space helmets, and their faces are commonly tattooed with the symbols of individual Spacer clans so they can distinguish themselves to one another. It is Spacer fashion to wear a harness over clothes with quick-connect buckles to which lifelines can be attached.

There are many factions of spacers and they don’t all get along with each other. People from the different regions of the belt don't get along with each other, normally.

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