Artemis Hydroponics Dome 1
Built onto a metallic support cage using silica-aerogel and polymer-laminated glass, Hydroponics Dome 1 is designed to support sustainable crop cultivation, ensuring a supply of fresh food to complement colony intake and reserve oxygen production.
More than just an agricultural facility, it's also a preliminary research site where hydroponics specialist crew can observe and experiment with Artemis’s native flora, seeking insights into the planet's unique ecosystem.
Oxygen production within the dome is managed by chlorella columns, which continuously convert carbon dioxide into breathable air to reinforcing the colony’s life-support systems.
After the Artemis Expeditor landed at Callysto Crater, Stroitel Ventures tasked its engineers to begin work on the life support structures that would sustain the colony city.
The construction and design was spearheaded by Infrastructure Engineer Yousra Naggar-Hammadi with the site representing a first and critical step toward the nascent colony's self-sufficiency. It was finished in November of 2169.
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